audio in this is broken!
In this video, if you can hear it – we have a look at the Peace Enforcer model I teased about in the last videos title, and optimising your renders for sales on Redbubble.
My microphone volume is incredibly low (and I can’t be bothered to rerecord it), so I’d turn your volume up _after_ the first musical segment to actually hear what I’m saying.
To save you damaging your eardrums, the first sentence is:
‘Hello, I’m David – and this is the second instalment: aaand I’ve rendered this way too fast, so straight on with the mu–‘
I will be looking at using the blender-osm plugin by Prokitetkura which can import OpenStreetMap data from within Blender, and I’ll be attempting to compile it with the Armory game engine so I have the basis of a first-person-shooter level layout.
We explore Laycock House and Premier House on the map, and compare the building shapes to how they are in the real world, and I don’t want to spoil it for you – but we have some success with exporting to the Armory engine!
Music (Peace Enforcer):
Henry Homesweet – Joshy
Music (Armory export):
David Guetta Ft Kelly Rowland – When Love Takes Over (Buzzby & Dane Robson Remix)