Spline Area Mesh (Unreal plugin)

Trying out the ‘Spline Area Mesh’ plugin by Robin Smekens to try to organise my roads system, and join together areas that are on separate height elevations with a traversable …

Different play modes

I’ve experimented with trying different GameModes and default Pawn classes for the Player from the Unreal Marketplace, and so far have found some where I can damage the AI, and …

Fan Art : TweekaTV

For me and my partner, the weekend hasn’t officially begun until we watch these guys, Da Tweekaz on their Friday livestream. I’ve been working on replicating their studio in Blender …

Motion Capture!

I got my hands on a Kinect, with the sole purpose of using it for motion capture, this is an early experiment of capturing data and importing it into Unreal. …