HDRI Haven cubemaps in Unreal

A brief explanation of how I’m using cubemaps as textures for the sky. HDRI Haven’s website has been a long-term go for finding free HDRI images, and large this collection …

Running on the roads

A major update – the roads on the Sheffield map are now walkable, which means I’m just a little step closer to v0.01!(You can find its current incarnation on the …

24hr Livestream

We should call it an attempt, I only lasted 23hr 15! A (first) attempt at a 24 hour livestream, in which I draw a crap walk cycle with my mouse, …

Concept art

Some concept art for an idea I have in my head; something that might be something. If nothing comes of it, it’s 33 seconds of animation. I like to consider …


A 100 frame video for my 100th video, will it help me to 100 subscribers?